Summary and Analysis Chapter 24 – The Trip to Virginia


The first thing Moll and Jemmy did was to take account of their belongings. Jemmy said that he had only ?108 left. The rest of his stock had been used so he could live like a gentleman while in prison, solicit his case, and make friends. Moll’s stock came to about ?246, thus giving them a total of ?354 between them. Unfortunately, their stock was all in money, “which every one knows is an unprofitable cargo to be carried to the plantations.” Moll had left between ?700 and ?800 in the bank and ?300 with her governess. Many of her clothes, jewels, and linens she had shipped to Virginia, to be delivered to her there under her real name.

By giving money to the boatswain and the captain, Moll saw to it that she and Jemmy were treated better than most of the other prisoners; indeed, the captain arranged for them to have a cabin and to eat at his table.

Moll’s governess arranged for the captain to help her “two cousins,” as she called Moll and Jemmy, obtain their freedom when they got to Virginia. She also asked what planter’s tools and materials were needed; these she bought and had put on board in her own name, endorsing them over to Jemmy, who gave her his ?108, in addition to “a good sum” that Moll paid.

During the time the ship was still in port, the captain took Moll and Jemmy on shore with him for dinner with his wife and Moll’s old governess.

Finally the ship set sail and after forty-two days arrived at the coast of Virginia. The captain told Moll she must get somebody there to buy them as servants and to answer for them to the governor of the country. Moll agreed to this arrangement and the captain brought a planter to purchase them as servants. They went to shore with him and soon afterward the planter gave them “a certificate of discharge, and an acknowledgement of having served him faithfully”; they were free the next morning to go wherever they wished. Moll and Jemmy bought “six thousand weight of tobacco” for the captain and gave him twenty guineas besides for his services to them.


Notice that Moll was as resourceful as ever. In spite of her predicament, she managed to have her goods and husband with her, enjoy the conveniences of the ship, and obtain tools for their plantation in America.